400-750 Gal. Vacuum Excavator Trailer
Best Use: Ideal for jobsite cleanup, utility location projects, and disaster recovery efforts
Capacity: Spoil tank capacity ranges from 400 to 750 gallons, suitable for substantial debris collection
Performance: Vacuum system airflow ranges from 512 to 1,000 cubic feet per minute (CFM)
Water Pressure: Includes a high-pressure water system with a maximum pressure of 3,000 PSI
500-600 Gal. Vacuum Excavator Trailer
Best Use: Ideal for large cleanup applications, such as non-hazardous wastewater and fluid spills
Capacity: Features a 500-gallon spoil tank for holding waste materials
Performance: Equipped with a vacuum system providing 500-600 cubic feet per minute (CFM)
Tank Capacity: Includes a fresh water tank with capacities ranging from 80 to 250 gallons
750-1,000 Gal. Vacuum Excavator Trailer
Best Use: Ideal for jobsite cleanup, utility location projects, and disaster recovery efforts
Capacity: Features a spoil tank capacity ranging from 750 to 1,000 gallons
Performance: Equipped with a vacuum system capable of up to 1,025 cubic feet per minute (CFM) airflow
Water Pressure: Includes a high-pressure water system with a maximum pressure of 3,000 PSI